Dr. Avo H. Fronjian DMD
Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
9636 Tierra Grande St. Suite 105
San Diego CA 92126
(858) 549-4511
Dear Small Business Owner,
I am writing to you on behalf of the St. Gregory the Great Ministry of Mothers. Ministry of Mothers is a non-profit organization designed to encourage mothers of our community. These women come from different backgrounds and lifestyles, yet have similar needs and a desire to be the best mothers they can be! As well, I feel our group is unique to the area because we will have day meetings, night socials, and day playgroups once a month which will reach out to all moms in the Scripps Ranch, Sabre Springs, and the Poway community.
In order to reduce our printing costs for our directory and other publications, we are seeking advertising sponsors. As a “Thank You” for your sponsorship, your business will receive a year of publicity. Below are our advertising sponsorship packages:
Silver Sponsorship Package: $ 50.00
The Ministry of Mothers Facebook page will "like" you.
We will publish at least 2 "statuses" on our page, spaced 1-2 weeks apart, thanking you for your sponsorship and linking to your company website to show your services.
Your logo and a link to your website are placed on our website under the "Sponsors" page for the entire 2018-2019 year. Website: http://stgregorymoms.wix.com/sandiego
A website link in the newsletter (sent out via email to all moms registered with our group) for the entire 2018-2019 year.
An ad in the MOMS group "Annual Membership Directory."
Gold Sponsorship Package: $100 (Only 2 spots)
This package includes the Silver Sponsorship Package
And a ½-page ad on the back of the MOMS group annual Brunch Menu
Checks should be made payable to:
Ministry of Mothers
Cindy Kurose
St. Gregory the Great, Chairmom
Sponsors can also pay their advertising fees online via paypal $50

Sponsors can also pay their advertising fees online via paypal $100