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About us



The goal of this ministry is to bring together Catholic mothers, stepmothers, and grandmothers to share and express their spirituality, find meaningful friendships, and reach beyond themselves to help others. This group strives to foster the Christian love that is part of becoming Christ's followers, specifically lived out in service to one another, our families, and our communities. 





Why be on “The Board”? Mothers are busy!  But busyness doesn’t relieve moms of the need to develop who they are and invest in God’s purposes outside their families and themselves.  Ministry of Mothers is the ideal place for a mother to grow in leadership and personal development.  Ministry of Mothers leadership is based on working together toward a common purpose.  The bible is full of examples underlining the wisdom of teams and teamwork in ministry.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If they fall down, they can help each other up.”


What is “The Board”?


St. Gregory the Great Ministry of Mothers Leadership includes the core “Board,” which plans and organizes the Ministry of Mothers meetings and activities.  The Board is comprised of the following positions:

  • The President “ Chairmom”: Encourages and empowers the Board in their areas of responsibilities.  Delegate appropriately and assist when needed. Liaison between Father Nick and the Pastoral Stewardship Counsel. 

  • Programs: Coordinate guest speakers, discussion topics, and general meeting activities. 

  • Membership: Collect yearly registration paper work, track monthly attendance and dues. Create directory .  

  • Newsletter: Promotes Ministry of Mothers to the community and facilitates communication within the 
    group through our website, Mail Chimp, email and Facebook.

  • Treasurer: Manages the group’s financials and budget.

  • Social: Organize our highly attended monthly moms night out 

  • Meals: Facilitates meals to fellow members who are experiencing life events where extra support is necessary.

  • Hospitality: Creates a welcoming atmosphere, organizes refreshments for meetings, and plans May Brunch. 

  • Childcare: Oversees the Childcare ministry—recruits, trains and supports childcare workers. Creates curriculum and creates a safe and fun environment for the children of Ministry of Mothers.

  • Playgroup : Organizes monthly play dates supports and provide back up for Childcare Coordinator 

  • Outreach: Leads in the “adoption” of an outreach project by the Ministry of Mothers group.  Also, includes running the monthly raffle to raise funds for our project.

  • Chaplain: Prepares concise opening and closing prayers for the monthly meeting and help set-up additional community outreach and parish programs.

The Board Time Commitments

The Board meetings are typically once a month, on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am lasting approximately 1.5 hours; one positional meeting with the Chairmom over the summer for planning purposes; depending on the position, possibly other meetings are as deemed necessary to coordinate with any positional board members.

All Board Positions

1.      Demonstrate a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2.      Willing to serve with joy.

3.      Serve for a two-year term when possible and cultivate replacement.

Any Questions?  

Cindy Kurose

St Gregory the Great Catholic Church

Ministry of Mothers Chairmom 2018- 2020

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