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Our childcare program is a wonderful, biblically-based program for the children of our MOMS group. Children eligible for childcare must be 1 (and walking) to 8 years old (typically older children are in school). Babies are welcome to stay on their mother's lap during the meeting.

Our hope is that you will be able to more fully enjoy your time in the MOMS group meeting, knowing that your children are enjoying their time as well!

Our babysitters have extensive experience taking care of young children and have completed all background checks per policy.  They are warm, loving and tons of fun!



Every month will have a Biblical or Seasonal theme.  The children will participate in games, songs, crafts, indoor/outdoor playtime, and a short movie. A snack of Rice Chex and water will be provided during movie time. (Brother Francis or Veggie Tales)


Check-In/Out Procedures

Sign-in is from 9:15-9:30am.  Please sign your child in on the roster, attach their preprinted nametag, and take your accompanying parent nametag.  If you and your child are new to the group, we encourage you to arrive early to allow your child to become comfortable with the classroom.

Sign-out is from 11:15-11:30am. Please return your parent nametag for use at the next meeting.


Sick Policy

Please do not bring your child if he/she has had any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours:

Fever or 100.5 degrees or higher

Runny nose (other than clear)

Discharge from the eyes

Persistent cough

Unexplained rash

Lethargic/ unable to participate

Any communicable disease



Our childcare providers will make every effort to be verbally proactive in handling discipline issues. Should a problem arise, a misbehaving child will be gently corrected with words and redirected to a different activity.  If needed, the childcare provider will get the child’s mom.



Additional Guidelines

  • A child will NEVER be left to cry. He/she will be held and consoled. If your child continues to cry for up to 10 minutes, while being consoled, you will be sent for.

  • Rice Chex and water will be provided for snack time. If this is a problem for your child, please let us know so another snack can be provided. No outside food or beverages may be brought into the classroom, with the exception of sippy cups with water. If brought, please make sure the cups are properly labeled with child’s name.

  • If a diaper change or potty break is needed, the mother will be sent for.

  • Please do not leave any personal items in the classroom. There are too many little hands and curious kiddos around!




9:15 - 9:30        Drop-off (Free Play)


9:30 - 9:40        Free Play


9:40 - 9:55        Story time/songs


9:55 - 10:15      Sitter #1 takes 3 and 4-year olds outside for       



9:55 - 10:15      Sitter #2 keeps 1 and 2-year olds inside for group

                          playtime (tents/tunnels/games)


10:15 - 10:45    Craft time


10:45 - 11:15    Snack/Movie time


11:15 - 11:30    Clean-up/Check out


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